
WebRTC vs. Zoom – A Simple Congestion Test

If you have already come across Zoom, then you’ve probably heard them make bold claims about their technology like this one for example:




Jitsi founder Emil Ivov recently mentioned in an interview that, in spite of their repeated claims, he hadn’t actually seen Zoom do anything better than WebRTC with regard to quality and video transport. Without proof some felt skeptical of the comparison to the larger commercial player, so we thought, we’d put together a very simple congestion test bed. We ran it on both Zoom and our WebRTC implementation and recorded the results. A picture is worth a thousand words (so at 33 pictures per second, that should make a 3 minute video equivalent to 5,940,000 words  😋):

(for optimal readability, make sure you watch that on YouTube in full screen)

Here’s what happens. We have two 1:1 independent video calls. One with Zoom and one with WebRTC (using Jitsi Meet). The first 10 seconds of the test run on regular Wi-Fi, just like all of us every day. Around second 10, we turn on network impairment for both and limit upstream and downstream bandwidth to 500kbps for both tests. We then measure the following:

Next, we turn off network impairment and observe how quickly the two solutions recover back to normal operation. This time we measure:

For those who don’t want to go through the video, the results are:

[table id=1 /]

Hopefully this would help inform future conversations on the topic …  

Important Disclaimer

This is NOT meant to be an exhaustive evaluation of neither Zoom’s media stack nor WebRTC. It is a very simplistic test and it barely scratches the surface. It is however telling and easy to replicate. Here are our test details:

We look forward to doing more tests in the near future! Ping us on our open Community Forum with questions and comments.

Your personal Jitsi team!

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