
Santa Claus video chat powered by Jitsi Meet

Every once in a while we learn about a project like no other using Jitsi Meet. Today we’d like to share one such project: Papa Noel Online and its sibling project Los Reyes Magos TV.

These projects allow children in Spain to have a video chat with Santa Claus or one of The Three Wise Men.

This is a non-profit initiative, part of a larger project, which is funded with the support of different charities and several town councils. It was launched a couple of years ago and it has grown tremendously, with more and more councils getting on board every year.

Below is an example of a 3 Los Reyes Magos (3 Wise Men) call:

Over the past Christmas season, over 10.000 video calls were processed, mostly from Spain but many of them from Argentina and Mexico too. That is impressive, to say the least.

Something we found fascinating is that this year participants will be able to interact via sign language, in addition to audio and video. In order to better present this to users they are using the recently introduced Brady Bunch Layout. We certainly never had this use case in mind when Brady Bunch was built, but you can see how this feature is critical for some use cases!

Testing the use of a sign-language interpreter using Jitsi’s new Brady Bunch layout.

We’ve known Javi Arranz, CEO of Eternity Online and the mastermind behind this project for a while now. He is deeply involved in several charitable efforts in Spain.  Javi wouldn’t stop praising Jitsi, claiming he couldn’t have done it without it.

We are incredibly proud and humbled that Open Source technology produced by the Jitsi community is used in such wonderful and noble projects.

Happy Holidays!

Your Jitsi Team

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