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Winning over the classroom with Jitsi

Published on: April 7, 2021 by saghulCategories: Jitsi Community | Jitsi Meet | Press Release

Hey there Fellow Jitsters! Today we are very excited to announce we are launching an education themed hackathon together with the European Commission. The ultimate goal is to improve Jitsi for education usage, which has seen incredible growth in the past year, as you can imagine. Come and join us in this new hackathon, running from the 26th of April until the 3rd of May.

Checkout the press release after the jump!

We are calling out developers to attend the “Winning over the classroom with Jitsi” Hackathon online from 26 of April to 03 of May 2021. The event is being organised by Tipik, the event partner for the European Commission’s Open Source Initiative under ISA2 Sharing and Reuse action.

The hackathon will bring together Jitsi (Core Team) members and Advanced users from across Europe and around the world. The plan is to propose new features for Jitsi focused on education. On our Hackathon page, you can see suggestions of challenges to solve during the event but you are welcome to add your own ideas to this evolving list.

If you feel qualified to do this work and wish to contribute, you are invited to fill out the registration form.
Do not miss this rare opportunity to meet key Jitsi committers, like-minded colleagues and staff from the European institutions, and shape the future of Education with Jitsi. Register now.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us anytime.


About the Open Source Initiative under ISA2 Sharing and Reuse Action

This hackathon is an ISA2 sponsored component of the Sharing and Re-use action (2016.31), which aim to bring together European Public Services on the subject of open source. The action has four areas of focus:

  • Inventory: Creating an initial, first cut, inventory of open source software used by European Public Services
  • Funding: Studying the need for a European Open Source Funding Mechanism, and then defining how it could work
  • Security: running bug bounties on software selected from consulting multiple public administrations
  • Hackathons: Holding events/hackathons to tackle common issues in open source that the European Public Services may be facing.



Start Time: 16:00 pm CET on Monday 26 of April

End Time: 16:00 pm CET on Monday 03 of May

Award Ceremony: 16:00 on  Monday 10 of May

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